We are proud to offer a pre-order service to customers which will allow you to pre-order products that are yet to release from brands such as Palace, Supreme and more.
Before deciding to place a pre-order with us, please read the below carefully:
Every effort is made to fulfil these orders, however due to the nature of the companies we are dealing with, this may not always be possible. In the case that we are unsuccessful, a full refund will be issued as soon as possible. Please note that this is not an 100% guaranteed pre-order.
The prices displayed on our pre-orders may not always be 100% accurate and in cases they may be based off an estimate. We reserve the right to change these prices at any time, and customers will be informed of these changes.
Customers should expect a slightly longer waiting time to receive their order when ordering through out pre-order service in comparison to a normal order from our website. Every effort will be made to ensure that customers receive their orders as soon as possible.
In some cases, items may not release when initially predicted. In this case, customers will be immediately informed and customers will have the choice to hold their pre-order space for when the item does release or cancel their order.
About Us
Brailey Store /, is an online clothing store that provides customers with exclusive access to rare and hard-to-get streetwear products for a competitive price.
The self-titled website was launched on March 4th 2018 with the intention of growing in to the go-to store for streetwear and fashion products.